35 Inspirational Myles Munroe Quotes On Success
1. “Nothing changes until your mind changes.” Myles Munroe
2. “Your existence is evidence that this generation needs something that your life contains.” Myles Munroe
3. “You will never change anything that you are willing to tolerate.” Myles Munroe
4. “We need to put people in positions of authority in the government, business, law, medicine, media, sports and entertainment who are filled with the laws of God so that we can bring those laws into effect.” Myles Munroe
5. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” Myles Munroe
6. “The worst mistake a leader can make is to mentor no one, choose no successor, and leave no legacy.” Myles Munroe
7. “Whenever I talk about the Bahamas and its beauty, I could never stop talking about my God, who has given us all of this beauty.” Myles Munroe
8. “The poorest man in the world is a man without a dream.” Myles Munroe
9. “True leaders influence their environments more than their environments influence them.” Myles Munroe
10. “When you believe in your dream and your vision, then it begins to attract its own resources. No one was born to be a failure.” Myles Munroe
11. “Most people die at age 25 and are buried at age 65.” Myles Munroe
12. “Love in marriage is more than just a feeling or an emotion; it is a choice.” Myles Munroe
13. “If you are aware that people are coming to you to receive your gift and not necessarily to you as a person, it keeps you very humble.” Myles Munroe
14. “In life, the purpose is defined by the thing that makes you angry. Martin Luther was angry; Mandela was angry; Mahatma Gandhi was angry; Mother Teresa was angry. If you are not angry, you do not have a ministry yet.” Myles Munroe
15. “Don’t accept the opinions of others because they do not see what great and valuable potential is inside you.” Myles Munroe
16. “There is a treasure within you that must come out. Don’t go to the grave with your treasures still within you.” Myles Munroe
17. “Your future is not ahead of you, it’s trapped within you.” Myles Munroe
18. “Great leaders do not desire to lead but to serve.” Myles Munroe
19. “Every human has the instinct and capacity for leadership, but most do not have the courage or will to cultivate it.” Myles Munroe
20. “The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.” Myles Munroe
21. “Don’t be a pigeon if you were born to be an eagle. Experience God’s altitude for your life.” Myles Munroe
22. “Purpose is when you know and understand what you were born to accomplish. Vision is when you see it in your mind and begin to imagine it.” Myles Munroe
23. “You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.” Myles Munroe
24. “Good leaders lead by example, not by decree.” Myles Munroe
25. “A leader can transform an army of frightened people into fearless people.” Myles Munroe
26. “You are the solution to a problem in your generation.” Myles Munroe
27. “Being open to correction means making ourselves vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that.” Myles Munroe
28. “The self-discovery of your inherent leadership potential and an understanding of who you are and what you are meant to be are the keys to fulfilling your purpose from existence as a leader.” Myles Munroe
29. “Success is not a comparison of what we have done with what others have done.” Myles Munroe
30. “The picture that we have of ourselves – will always determine how we respond to life.” Myles Munroe
31. “Character in leadership is the most important balance for leadership. Without character, leaders have no safety. Leadership has no protection without character.” Myles Munroe
32. “Circumstances and crises are God’s tools to move you into your purpose and the maximizing of your potential.” Myles Munroe
33. “No human being is going to be truly satisfied with life until he or she loves God.” Myles Munroe
34. “True success is what you have done compared to what you could have done.” Myles Munroe
35. “If you want to become successful, seek to become a person of value.” Myles Munroe